Sheffield Metals 2.0″ Mechanical Seam (ARMCO) – Panel Profile

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Technical Information:


SMI 2.0″ MS A UL 90 Test – Construction No. 238
16” wide 24-gauge over 22-gauge B-deck W-EPS

SMI 2.0″ MS A UL 90 Test – Construction No. 238A
16” wide 24-gauge over 22-gauge B-deck W-EPS

SMI 2.0″ MS A UL 90 Test – Construction No. 90
16” wide 24-gauge panel over purlins at 5′ optional blanket insulation

SMI 2.0″ MS A UL 90 Test – Construction No. 176
16” wide 24-gauge panel over purlins at 5′ optional blanket insulation

SMI 2.0″ MS A UL 90 Test – Construction No. 180
16” wide 24-gauge panel over purlins spaced at 5′ W-EPS
