What roof panel portable rollforming machines do New Tech Machinery offer and which one should you choose for your business and market?
Purchasing a new roof panel machine requires careful consideration of your budget, current and future business needs, and market factors. On today’s Q&A Mondays episode, Thad Barnette is joined by Tom Laird of New Tech Machinery to discuss what portable rollforming machines are available through NTM, the features and benefits of each, and how to choose the right machine for your business.
Topics covered:
- What other machine options does NTM offer? – 2:02
- Does the SSH™ run on electric as well? – 3:28
- How do you recommend the right machine for a customer? – 4:23
- What type of customer would be right for an SSR™ machine? – 5:47
- What type of customer would be right for an SSQ II™ machine? – 7:20
- Are there batch and length options for the SSQ II™ machine? – 8:00
- Can you use a portable rollformer in a factory to produce panels? – 10:27
- What is pricing like for NTM machines? – 11:09
- Where can you learn more about NTM and their products? – 12:30
Learn more about each machine: