Metal Roofing Project Preparation Tips From a Former Installer

As a contractor, properly preparing for an upcoming metal roofing job will ensure your crew, your customer, and your suppliers are setup for success. In this episode of Q&A Mondays, Thad Barnette is joined by Dave Stubbs from the Sheffield Metals Technical department to discuss best practices for beginning a new metal roofing project, job site organization, and working seamlessly with other trades.

Topics covered:

  • What should a contractor think about when starting a new project? 0:39
  • What are some best practices for job site prep? 3:11
  • How should you prepare your job site crew before an install? 5:03
  • How should roof details be communicated to the installers? 6:47
  • What is job prep like when working with other trades? 8:12
  • What are other job site issues to look out for? 9:51
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