Although metal roofing is a premium product that has excellent longevity, color options, and durability, not all building types or applications are a good fit for metal roofing. In today’s video, Thad Barnette reveals 11 reasons why a homeowner or building owner may want to consider a different roofing material for their project. From aesthetics, to cost, to design, watch to learn what you should consider before buying a metal roof.
- You don’t have the budget for metal roofing 0:27
- Your roof design is not conducive to metal roofing 0:47
- You don’t like the way metal roofing looks 1:28
- Your HOA doesn’t allow metal roofs 1:57
- There’s a lack of qualified installers in your area 2:33
- Your region receives excessive hail 3:21
- You’re not staying in your home long-term 4:17
- You want a quick roof installation 4:51
- You want to avoid oil canning 5:23
- Your building contains contaminants that can corrode metal or paint 6:08
- You have specific color matching needs 6:39