Clips & Cleats for Metal Roofing – Course Details & Registration

Sheffield Metals Releases Six AIA-Approved Continuing Education Nano Courses: Clips and Cleats

Course Summary:

Clips and cleats are an integral part of most standing seam metal roofing and wall systems, but there are distinct uses, types, pros, and cons to know before specifying clips and cleats.

In this 15-minute course, expect to discover:

  • What a metal roofing clip is
  • The various types of clips
  • Advantages and disadvantages of using a system that requires clips

Additional Course Information:

Credit: 0.25 LU/HSW

Delivery Format: Video & Written Content

Device Format: Desktop / Laptop / Tablet

Course & Quiz Details: 3 Multiple Choice Questions

IMPORTANT: When you’ve watched the course video and read the accompanying text, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the blue & orange button to take your three-question quiz. You must achieve 100% on the quiz to receive the 0.25 LU/HSW.

AIA CES Provider Number: 404108285

Register Here to Begin: