Scratches on a Steel Metal Roof: Identification, Prevention, & Repair

Scratches on a metal roof can quickly make an expensive product look bad and can even lead to roof failure. Today on The Metal Roofing Channel, Thad explains the two main types of scratches that can occur on your roof – surface scratches and deep gouges. Each type has its own unique characteristics, effects on coated metal, and repair methods. This video also covers scratching prevention and how to recognize potential issues caused by material damage. Note that this video focuses on Galvalume® and galvanized steel.

Topics covered:

  • Surface Scratching vs. Deep Gouges 0:59​
  • Scratching Prevention 1:51​
  • How to Walk on a Metal Roof 2:29​
  • Scratching Repair 4:42​
  • Deep Gouge Considerations 7:05​

Check out this content for more information:

Please note the installation details and methods shown in this video are for reference only. Sheffield Metals recommends following their published installation details or for WTW projects following the required details issued and marked approved for that specific project.