What are the differences between SMP and PVDF warranties for metal roofs?
Although these two warranties are similar, they contain distinct differences that homeowners, contractors, and architects should be aware of. Understanding the fine print of these warranties and what each offer can help you choose the right paint coating for your project.
Sheffield Metals International (SMI) is a leading provider of metal coils and sheets for the standing seam metal roofing industry. We offer painted metal products with both SMP and PVDF coatings and accompanying substrate and paint warranties.
Though one of our main goals is to provide high-quality products for the metal roofing industry, we’re also committed to educating our audience on the details between certain products and helping them determine which one may be right for their unique situation.
In this article, we’ll look at the difference between SMP and PVDF warranties for metal roofs, examining how they’re similar and different.
Why Are There Different Warranties for PVDF and SMP Coatings?

SMP and PVDF are both paint coatings for metal roofs, however they’re very different when it comes to performance and overall durability. SMP is a popular, cost-effective paint system in the industry.
PVDF coatings, though a bit more expensive, offer superior color retention and premium defense against chalking and fading. Check out our full article on the differences between SMP and PVDF coatings:
PVDF vs. SMP Paint Systems: Which Is Best For Your Metal Roof? (sheffieldmetals.com)
Because they’re two separate products, this means they have two different sets of performance criteria and differences in how those are measured. Warranties are unique to the specific coating you choose.
What Are the Similarities Between SMP and PVDF Warranties?

40-Year Film Adhesion Coverage and 30-Year Chalking and Fading Coverage
SMP and PVDF coatings are often touted as having 40-year coverage. This is true — both coatings do have warranty coverage for 40 years, but keep in mind that the 40-year warranty covers film adhesion only, which means that the paint won’t crack, chip or peel. Essentially the 40-year warranty verifies that the paint will stay on the metal for 40 years.
However, when it comes to other aspects of the coating such as chalking and fading, the 30-year coverage warranty becomes applicable.
So while the paint will stay on your metal roof for those 40 years, the initial color may fade or chalk past the listed criteria after the initial 30 years has passed.
Exclusions for the warranty will also be very similar for SMP and PVDF coatings. Examples of these exclusions would include using dissimilar metals, damage from improper handling of materials, and locations near the coastline. You can find the full list of exclusions in one of our sample warranties here.
Keep in mind that if you’re located within 1500 feet of saltwater, a standard warranty will not apply to your coating. For SMP coatings, even if you’re using aluminum — the recommended material for saltwater environments — a standard warranty will still not cover this due to the abrasive effects of the salt.
For PVDF coatings, you can get a 35-year coastal warranty for aluminum roofs only, which will offer coverage for film adhesion and chalking and fading. Note that the warranty you can get will in part be due to where your project is located and the unique saltwater environment. For instance, a custom 20-year PVDF warranty is available for metal roofs in the Caribbean due to the weather conditions and coastal effects in that region.
Material Types
Both SMP and PVDF warranties cover various material types including Galvalume and aluminum.

What Are the Differences Between SMP and PVDF Warranties?
The key difference between SMP and PVDF warranties is the chalking and fading performance. Fading refers to how much the initial color of your metal roof will fade over time, while chalking refers to how much the paint resin breaks down, creating that common white residue.

Both chalking and fading are measured in delta units. For fading performance, the lower number the better. With chalking, the higher the number the better. PVDF coatings have better ratings for both chalking and fading, which means these effects will take longer to become apparent when compared to SMP coatings.

So while chalking and fading for both SMP and PVDF is covered under a 35-year warranty, the amount of chalking and fading will be greater for SMP coatings, while PVDF coatings will do a better job of retaining that initial color and defending against the paint resin breaking down.
Note that chalking and fading will be affected by other factors than just the coating system alone. Color choice will also play a significant role, as lighter colors such as white won’t show the changes of chalking and fading as much as deep reds or blues would.
Chalking and fading is a key aesthetic consideration. But remember that key part of the functionality of a metal roofing system when it comes to coatings is the film adhesion, which protects the material underneath from weathering. Film adhesion coverage is secured by the warranty for both SMP and PVDF paint systems.
Tips for SMP vs. PVDF Paint Warranties

Warranties can often be confusing documents that can be difficult to make sense of. Here are a few tips to make the process easier.
- Understand your unique project: Know what materials you’re using and the specific region you’re in. Understanding the details of your project will help you identify which warranties are being offered and which one is right for you.
- Make sure your documentation is signed and in the right hands: Although it sounds simple, make sure that all your warranty documentation is signed and in the hands of the supplier. Otherwise, it will not be valid for the duration of your warranty. Be sure it was issued for your specific project.
- Talk to your supplier: If you ever have any questions about a warranty or need assistance finding the right one for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to the warranty supplier. They can give you guidance and lay out what the warranty covers and what it doesn’t.
Although it might seem tedious, it’s very important to understand what’s in a warranty and how it relates to your specific project. That way, you can be confident in the longevity of not only your coating system, but your metal roof as a whole.
Looking for Support with Paint Warranties for Metal Roofs?
One of the most challenging parts about choosing the right warranty is finding a reliable issuer that can provide you what you need while also giving helpful, unbiased guidance. Sheffield Metals can help.
We’re a trusted metal roofing supplier that can help you find the right paint warranty based on your project’s unique characteristics regarding region, local regulations, and preferences.
Sheffield Metals offers paint warranties for both SMP and PVDF paint systems. You can check out our full list of paint and substrate warranties here. Simply click the dropdown and embedded link to find sample documents of all our warranties.
Read our article below on how to apply for a paint warranty at Sheffield Metals:
How to Apply for a Paint Warranty at Sheffield Metals: Steps & Processes
Feel free to fill out the form on our paint and substrate warranty page or reach out directly by clicking the box below.