Technical Metal Roof Repainting: How Pros Get the Perfect Finish

How do professional façade restoration experts plan, prep, and execute a metal roof or wall repainting project? In this video, Chris from Edge Façade Restoration joins Thad Barnette to discuss the technical steps required when inspecting a metal roof, installing a new coating system, and getting a new warranty issued from a paint manufacturer.

Topics covered:

► Intro 00:00

► What’s the first step in inspecting a metal repainting project? 1:38

► What happens after the inspection? 3:26

► How much does a metal roof repainting cost? 3:54

► How are metal roof restorations done? 4:17

► What products are used for a metal roof restoration? 6:59

► What else is considered during a metal roof restoration? 8:32

► What happens with unforeseen events during a restoration? 10:14

► How is a complex metal roof addressed for restoration? 11:02

► How is a metal roof restoration completed? 11:35

► What does care and maintenance look like for a restoration? 12:22

Visit Edge Façade here.

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