Sheffield Metals Wall Panels Overview: Board & Batten, Flush Wall, WAV

Sheffield Metals offers three different metal wall panel systems: the SMI Board & Batten panel, the SMI FWP Flush Wall & Soffit panel, and the SMI WAV Wall panel. Today on the Metal Roofing Channel, Jeff Hock from Sheffield Metals joins Thad Barnette to discuss each of these panel systems and learn about their installation, look, application, and performance characteristics.

Topics covered:

  • Intro 00:00
  • What is the SMI Board & Batten Panel? 0:39
  • What is the SMI FWP Flush Wall & Soffit panel? 3:48
  • Can the Flush Wall panel be installed vertically and horizontally? 0:23
  • What does a typical Flush Wall panel install look like? 7:28
  • What is the SMI WAV wall panel? 9:06
  • How does Sheffield support these wall panel profiles? 11:01
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