Standing seam metal roofing is often installed over solid decking, but some panel profiles are versatile enough to provide structural support over open framing. On today’s Q&A Mondays episode, Jeff Hock from the Sheffield Metals Technical Department explains the difference between structural and architectural panels, shares which SMI panel profiles are suitable for open framing, and describes the various testing methods available.
Topics covered:
- What is open framing? 0:48
- What is the difference between architectural and structural panels? 2:10
- What panel profiles can be used for open framing? 3:20
- What testing is available for open framing? 4:58
- Does open framing require a heavier gauge metal? 7:43
- Can you insulate open framing? 9:28
- Does purlin type affect engineering? 10:48
- How do furring strips fit into the open framing conversation? 12:35
Please note the installation details and methods shown in this video are for reference only. Sheffield Metals recommends following their published installation details or for WTW projects following the required details issued and marked approved for that specific project.