7 Things to Know Before Ordering Coils and Sheets

To ensure that your metal coil, sheet, and accessories order is processed efficiently and accurately, Sheffield Metals needs specific information about your material and project. On today’s Q&A Monday, Jon Neu from Sheffield Metals joins Thad Barnette to discuss seven things you need to know before ordering coils and sheets, such as coil widths, rollforming machine weight limits, and material type.

Topics covered:

  • What should you keep in mind in regards to material type and specs? 0:43
  • Why are there standard coil widths? 2:41
  • Do rollforming machine weight limits matter? 4:35
  • What sheet specifications should be considered? 5:25
  • What is the accessory ordering process like? 6:43
  • How are lead times determined? 7:38
  • What other information is important to have before ordering? 9:42

Download your free guide about 7 things to know before ordering coils and sheets here.

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